I have come across a lot of recipes for homemade Febreze and this is the one I find works the best and is the simplest/safest to make. I changed the recipe to be able to refill my existing 32 oz Febreze Spray Bottle:
1/8 Cup of Your Favorite Fabric Softener
2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
Hot Tap Water - To Fill the Bottle to the Top
Shake it up and you're ready to go and fight those yucky odors!
Fake-It Cost Breakdown:
Fake Febreze ($0.15 or less for 1 oz Fabric Softener)
Total Fake-It Cost: $0.15 Each
Compare to Actual Febreze ($5.59 Each, seriously?)
Total Fake-It Savings: $5.44 Each*
*Let's say you purchase 1 Bottle of Febreze per month, that's a Savings of $65.28 per year!
WOW! Definately going to try this one!!