I can't count how many times I have wanted colored sugar and when I've gone to the store they didn't have the color I wanted or it was $2-$3 for a small shaker of it. Well now you can make your own.
white sugar
liquid food coloring
air tight container
Put the sugar and 2-3 drops of the food coloring in the container and shake until well mixed. Keep adding 2-3 drops at a time until you get the desired color. If you add too much at once you will get a large clump in the center. If you need a lot to get the desired color use a cookie sheet and parchment paper/wax paper to lay the sugar out to dry, if you have some clumps, use the back of a spoon to mash them out and mix them in. Store back in the containers.
Fake-It Cost Breakdown:
Fake Colored Sugar ($0.15/cup of sugar and a couple drops of food coloring is like $0.005)
Total Fake-It Cost: $0.15
Compare to Colored Sugar $3.00/8 oz (8oz=1c.)
Total Fake-It Savings: $2.85 Each Color
Thank you! Gonna try this in red and green next week when I do my Christmas baking. You really should do a post on "Fake It Fudge covered Oreo Cookies" here before then....because I need a recipe. hehe! I had the store bought and they are awesome!! Love ya girl!