Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ditch the Box - Snow Cone Syrup

While this one isn't 100% natural, it seems a little more natural than the syrups you buy, especially for those moms opposed to HF Corn Syrup. I wanted a cheaper method since 1 bottle was $2.98 and I KNEW I could make it cheaper.


2 c. sugar
3/4 c. water
1 pkg unsweetened kool-aid, flavor of choice

*Optional - Citric Acid if you want it a touch more sour.

Mix sugar and water in 2 quart sauce pan until sugar is dissolved and clear.

Remove from heat, add in kool aid (and citric acid at this point too). wait until it cools slightly and place in the container of your choice.

You can get squirt bottles at the dollar store, or reuse old pop-top water bottles, or if you've bought the syrup before, just reuse the bottles. Just MAKE SURE it's cool or it will melt the bottles in your hand and you'll have a HUGE mess.

If you have another container to move it to, it will cool quicker, just make sure it won't shatter from the heat. 

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